INFORMATION NOTE in compliance with art. 13 of the Lgs. Decree dated 30 June 2003, no. 196 of Italian Law, (concerning the protection of personal data) and art. 13 e 14 of the EU-Regulation nr. 679/2016
With regard to the above mentioned articles, we hereby inform individuals involved on the fundamental elements concerning the processing of the collected or provided personal data.

    1. Your personal data are collected for the following purposes:
      • Carrying out obligations on the basis of a contract you are part of, concerning after-sales assistance or in relation to warranty issues on our products or in order to fulfill your specific requests.
      • Customers’ management (administration of contracts, orders, invoices, selections in relation to company needs);
      • In compliance with law obligations, regulation, EU-legislation;
      • To carry out recalls concerning products which need replacement
      • Promotional activities concerning our company, including informative material on our products and services;
      • For statistical purposes of the market;
      • In case of controversy (such as breach of contract obligations, injunction, transactions, debt collection procedures, arbitration, legal disputes);
    2. in relation to the above mentioned purposes, the processing of personal data is carried out by means of information technology or on paper so as to ensure the protection and privacy of your personal data in compliance with the regulations;
    3. This information note concerns data:
      • provided directly by the person involved
      • provided by third parties (dealers);
      • provided by public registers, lists, deeds or documents available to the general public within the limits and by the methods of disclosure established by the law
  1. the provision of data is necessary for our company in order to carry out assistance and warranty procedures;
  2. in case you are unwilling to provide your personal data we will be unable to meet your requests;
  3. the above mentioned data
    1. can only be shared with the following categories of subjects:
      • postal agencies or other courier companies;
      • vehicle or spare-parts factories
      • dealers
      • banks and credit institutes
      • debt collection companies
      • legal offices
      • insurance companies
      • maintenance companies/repair companies of IT- equipment
      • professional offices and/or companies and/or enterprises or businessmen associations which provide us with specific accounting and/or fiscal services, etc.
    2. will be stored in accordance with the current laws concerning the warranty of the replacement of spare-parts and for fiscal and accounting purposes of administrative documents.
    3. won’t be distributed
    4. can be transferred through IT systems and/or on paper in the country where the factory or the spare-parts manufacturer is located exclusively for assistance and warranty purposes concerning the supplied products.
  4. In addition to the information contained in this documents, you have the right:
    • upon specific request, to have intelligible and free confirmation concerning the existence or lack of your personal data in our database
    • to obtain updates, corrections, or integrations of the personal data or block/cancel it for violation of the law or the fact that it is no longer necessary
    • to oppose to the processing of data for legitimate reasons or to the processing for advertising purposes, direct sale, market research, commercial communication;
    • to file claims to the relevant control authorities.
  5. The data processing manager is LUANO CAMP S.r.l. , located in Poggibonsi (Siena) - Italia , Via Piemonte, 3, in his capacity as legal representative, domiciled therein for the purpose of his office;

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