What are cookies

Cookies are pieces of information inserted on your browser when you visit a website or use social media on your pc, smart phone or tablet. Each cookie contains data such as the name of the server where it comes from, a numerical identifier, etc. Cookies can remain in the system for a session (i.e. until you close the navigation browser) or for longer periods and can contain a single identification code.

What are they used for

Cookies are used to complete IT-authentications, to supervise sessions and save specific information about the users who visit the website. They are often useful as they can make the navigation and use of the web faster, making some procedures easier such as online purchases or authentication to restricted areas or by saving language preference.

Types of cookies

Cookies can be distinguished in:

Our company uses cookies on our websites. In accordance with the measures taken by the Italian Data protection authority on the 08th of May 2015 and released on the GU nr.126 on the 03rd of June 2014, cookies can’t be freely installed on the devices of the users, but have to respect a number of regulations.
Here below you’ll find the analysis of the situation of the company in relation to those regulations:

Cookies prepared on this site

Proprietary cookies

Third-party cookies

Tracking conversions of Facebook Ads is a statistics service provided by Facebook, Inc. which links data from the Facebook ad network with the actions performed within this Website. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data.

Place of processing: United States - Privacy Policy. Person adhering to the Privacy Shield.

Disable third-party cookies

You can install other options on your browser to navigate without cookies.

Please find the options offered by the main browsers below: Microsoft Windows Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Google Analytics by downloading a specific plug-in from the browser.
For further information concerning the cookies saved on your device and disable them individually please refer to the following link: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/your-ad-choices

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